Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Problem of Evil in a Divinely Created Reality Essay

The Problem of Evil in a Divinely Created Reality - Essay Example So, why do animals should feel pain and suffering? Why humans have to feel pain and suffering, even if their grand grandmother Eve was tempted by the Devil and now other people have to pay for her sins? Is God so cruel that he cannot forgive and forget? Why did he create a divine world, full of glory and bless if it is accessible only for those people, who did not make any sins? Evil is juxtaposition to deity. If there was no evil, people would not be able to compare it with the goodness or deity. Moreover, God created Heaven and Hell, life on the Earth and afterlife. There is an evident binary development of divine reality. Moreover, there are two types of evil: moral and physical. When committing a moral evil, a human being is committing it willfully (abortion, theft, murder etc); when committing physical evil, a human being commits it in the result of natural harm (such as famine, illness etc). The question is what for God created morally ill people or people, who are able to act in a morally evil way (Rachels and Rachels, 2008). Still, humans make their choice themselves. Moral evil is not instilled into people by God. God gives humans an opportunity to make a choice whether to commit evil or not; it is a test for morality and spiritual obedience. Therefore, moral evil is the result of our choice and it is another side of free will. Every person can make his own choice how to live, how to behave and if to commit evil or not. And of course, the further life of the person depends on the choice made. There are many other questions with respect to this issue, which deserve special attention and should be discussed. Now, let us consider whether suffering and pain are the same or different for people and animals (DeGrazia and Rowan, 1991). First of all, let us discard the notion that God is blamed for the existence of evil in the world. There was an intention creation of moral agents of God, who would supposedly create evil, but still these agents exist and for t heir evil deeds they suffer or experience pain. People may experience either physiological or psychological pain. These types of pain are different. The former kind of pain can be experienced by both humans and animals, while the second type of pain can be experienced only by humans. The concept of suffering has a more general meaning and it encompasses negative content of unpleasant emotions, anxiety, anger, fear, confusion etc (Derbyshire and Jones, 2011). Though suffering can be experienced without pain, it may trigger numerous factors of negative emotions or feelings. The scope of suffering is more impressive than the scope of negative experience, caused by pain. Therefore, God triggers negative emotions of humans in order to manipulate their actions and to direct the society in the right moral direction. At the same time he shows an option of deviance, which will lead to suffering and pain. There is no intention to punish humans or non-humans, there is an intention to support b inary relations on the Earth, which are determined between deity and evil. Life of humans and animals is a constant struggle for their existence and struggle against the surrounding dangers and threats. Thus, God does not intend to intimidate or destruct the humans and non-humans. He intends to make them use to realities of divinely created life in order they could survive in the real world. Works cited 1. DeGrazia, David and Rowan, Andrew. â€Å"Pain, suffering, and anxiety in animals and humans.†

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Happiest Days of Your Life Essay Example for Free

The Happiest Days of Your Life Essay Normally you would think, that parents would have the best interest and intensions for their children. And parents, who are very ambitious on behalf of their children, are often a good prerequisite for the kids to get really far in a prestigious world. But at the same time any parent must also be careful, that the excessive pressure of expectations and so early defined objectives do not take away the play of childhood and at a later stage the child’s wish to formulate own goals of life. If your parent’s devote to invest themselves, their time and savings to pursue the ambition they carry on behalf of their child – which more often than not are projections of own lost ambitions – it is a very big burden for any child to carry. A 3rd person limited omniscient narrator tells Penelope Lively’s short story, from Charles point of view. But the narrator is partly an omniscient narrator, because we are very familiar with Charles emotions. Normally would a non-omniscient objective 3rd person narrator never know that Charles feels like the floor under him is shaking and the walls beside him is moving (p. 65 l. 7-9). Most of the story takes place on Preparatory School St. Edwards, and of course back and forth in the car. We are not told, when the story exactly is taking place. So it could have happened yesterday or many years ago. The environment in the story seems to be the upper class of society, which is clearly seen in this quote from the text; â€Å"She worked over the headmaster’s wife from shoes to hairstyle, pricing and assessing. Shoes old but expensive Russel and Bromley.Good skirt. Blouse could be Marks and Sparks not sure. Real pearls. Super Victorian ring.† (p. 63 l. 9-13). A normal middle-class woman could not name a price and a brand on what a random woman is wearing from head to toe. It shows us, that she properly belongs to the upper class herself. The lack of communication between Charles and his parents contribute to his parent’s lack of knowledge to know how Charles feels. And the lacks of knowledge result in they don’t recognize or understand that Charles actually doesn’t want to go to the school. But the problem is Charles parents are so busy trying to achieve all these things for their son, which they might not have had the opportunity to get, when they were at his age. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious for your children, but while the parents are very busy being just that, the consequences are that Charles disappears more and more in the background. They hear only what they would like to hear they close their eyes to reality. Charlie is around 6-13 years, since he is attending Preparatory School in the UK. You can feel that he’s really nervous. You certainly feel it when he sits in the car. He won’t eat the chocolate or read his comics. He is completely silent throughout visiting the school and just keeps on following the adult around the school halls, without saying a single word. I find the strongest signal on how Charles feels about starting at the school, when an echo of a boys voice saying he will mash him next term, running through his head. Another proof or signal that he’s hesitant is, when you see that he doesn’t respond or take actions when his mother asks; Would you like to go there, Charles? . Charles does not Anwar His face is haggard with anticipation, ` Next year, well mash you .. (p. 65 l 23-28). This excerpt from the text shows that although Charles is afraid of having to go to this school, then he’s to reluctant to say it. And yet another example on how Charles feelings is known; â€Å"A bell goes somewhere beyond doors and down corridors, and suddenly the children are all gone, clattering away and leaving him there with the heaving floor and the walls that shift and swing.† (p. 65 l. 7-9) He feels like the fear is getting out of hand. He does not thrive. He shuts everything out, but inside he is about to burst. His physical condition is there, but his mental state is not there. His mental state flees to a dreamlike state. And the dream-like state creates a kind of protection for him. Because he knows he can’t say it to anyone and certainly not to his parents. For no one is listening and if you are pressed enough, then these sorts of situations and circumstances will arise. The story reflects the difficulties of growing up. I don’t think the parents are even near to chose the right school for Charles. If it was the right school, then he wouldn’t be feeling as he does. You never know how the situation will turn out – he might get some good friends or he might go through hell and being bullied by the other boys all the time. That’s at least what he thinks; â€Å"The child does not answer. He looks straight ahead of him, at the road coiling beneath the bonnet of the car. His face is haggard with anticipation.  ´Next term, we’ll mash you†¦Ã‚ ´Ã¢â‚¬ . (p. 65 l 23-28). I think the title of the story is meant in an ironic way. I believe that the reason it’s called â€Å"The happiest days of your life† and not â€Å"The happiest days of my life† is because you always hear it from the parent’s perspective. They think the school is amazing and Charles is going to be so happy to go there. They never let Charles decide for himself. And I think the title of the story is based on the way his parents treats him.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Narco-Terror: the United States, the Drug War, and the War on Terror

Narco-Terror: the United States, the Drug War, and the War on Terror Introduction The United States has had a long-standing policy of intervening in the affairs of other nations when the country has thought it within its best interests to do so. Since the 1970’s the United States has tried to impose its will on other nations to combat the most pressing political enemy of the day often linking the war on drugs to the matter to stoke support both domestically and abroad. In the times of the Cold War, this enemy was communism and the government tried to make the connection of the â€Å"Red Dope Menace† insinuating drug links with China, Castro’s Cuba, and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. However, as the world has evolved and communism’s prominence has waned, there is a new enemy whose existence has become intertwined with the drug war. That enemy is terrorism. The connection has gone so far that politicians and journalists have coined a new term to describe the link calling this new problem of our time â€Å"Narco-terror.† This pa per will examine US efforts to control the drug trade and fight terrorism in Colombia, Peru, Afghanistan and the desired and often undesired consequences that have come about because of those efforts. Colombia Narcoterrorism has a long past in the history of Colombia, focusing mainly on the market development of one drug: cocaine. Colombia, with its arid tropical climate and lush land, is an ideal place for the sowing and reaping of the coca plant whose extracts are synthesized into the powder cocaine drug. As Colombian cocaine production skyrocketed in the 1970’s and 1980’s thanks to booming demand for the product in Americas, drug kingpins in Colombia began to wield immense power in the country. ... ... Connection Between Drugs and Terror.† June 20, 2002. 10. Sly, Liz â€Å"Opium Cash Fuels Terror†¦Ã¢â‚¬  February 9, 2004. 11. â€Å"Colombia’s Crimson Night.† 12. Gray, Mike. â€Å"Drugs and Terrorism.† 13. Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. â€Å"Plan Colombia.† March 14, 2001. 14. Taylor, Robert â€Å"Peru: Sendero on the Offensive – in Court† April 2003. 15. â€Å"Sendero Luminoso Attacks.†

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Philippine Writers Before the Coming of Spaniards

1. Communication =the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium television is an effective means of communication =means of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers:satellite communications =means of travelling or of transporting goods, such as roads or railways:a city providing excellent road and rail communications 2. Listening a. There are three modes of listening: competitive, passive and active. Active listening is considered the most effective because the listener is not only listening with interest, but actively acknowledging listening by brief responses.Most individuals are not as skilled at listening as they think. Depending on the study, listeners likely remember 25 to 50 percent of what they hear, according to Mindtools. Giving the speaker your undivided attention and not focusing on what you are going to say in response while he is talking is a good way to ensure you hear more of what is being sai d. Speaking b. Speaking can be an intimidating experience, even in your native tongue, let alone when learning a new language. The best way to learn how to speak, though, is by practicing, so put your inhibitions aside and strike up a conversation whenever you are given an opportunity to do so.When speaking, be aware of your pace, try not to mumble and use expression, both so that you don't sound monotonous and to keep your listener interested. Reading c. Children learn to read by first learning their ABCs and sounding out the letters to discover what sound they make. The phonetic approach to reading—using sound units to figure out the words—is arguably the best approach because theoretically, if you know the sounds, you can read any word, regardless of the difficulty level. This is also the case when learning a new language.Reading has many benefits, including improving memory (it's exercise for the brain), increasing vocabulary and exposing you to new ideas. Writing d. Writing is perhaps the most complex of the communication skills and takes the most time to master. As with any other skill, it is improved through practice and a willingness to improve on past attempts. Moving beyond the basics, there are many types of writing and many levels. Writing can be a basic means of conveying information—such as in newspapers—or it can be a tool to create elaborate new worlds, much like those found in fiction novels such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. . Poor Encoding – This occurs when the message source fails to create the right sensory stimuli to meet the objectives of the message. For instance, in person-to-person communication, verbally phrasing words poorly so the intended communication is not what is actually meant, is the result of poor encoding. Poor encoding is also seen in advertisements that are difficult for the intended audience to understand, such as words or symbols that lack meaning or, worse, have totally differen t meaning within a certain cultural groups.This often occurs when marketers use the same advertising message across many different countries. †¢Poor Decoding – This refers to a message receiver’s error in processing the message so that the meaning given to the received message is not what the source intended. This differs from poor encoding when it is clear, through comparative analysis with other receivers, that a particular receiver perceived a message differently from others and from what the message source intended. Clearly, as we noted above, if the receiver’s frame of reference is different (e. . , meaning of words are different) then decoding problems can occur. †¢Medium Failure – Sometimes communication channels break down and end up sending out weak or faltering signals. Other times the wrong medium is used to communicate the message. For instance, trying to educate doctors about a new treatment for heart disease using television commer cials that quickly flash highly detailed information is not going to be as effective as presenting this information in a print ad where doctors can take their time evaluating the information. Communication Noise – Noise in communication occurs when an outside force in someway affects delivery of the message. The most obvious example is when loud sounds block the receiver’s ability to hear a message. Nearly any distraction to the sender or the receiver can lead to communication noise. In advertising, many customers are overwhelmed (i. e. , distracted) by the large number of advertisements they encountered each day. Such advertising clutter (i. e. , noise) makes it difficult for advertisers to get their message through to desired customers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Othello Study Guide Questions Essay

1.Describe the sensory details of the opening scene: sights, sounds, smells, etc. The opening scene takes place during the night in a street in Venice. Iago and Roderigo are loudly conversing with each other. 2.Why do Iago and Roderigo wake up Brabantio? Why is Brabantio angry? Why does Iago slip quietly away once Brabantio comes down? Iago and Roderigo wake up Brabantio to spoil his happiness by telling him the Desdemona ran off with Othello. Brabantio is originally angry because he had told them not to come around him house, but is even more angry when he finds out that Desdemona is missing. Iago quietly slips away because he doesn’t want anybody to know that he isn’t loyal to Othello. 3.Explain the relationship between Iago and Roderigo. Who seems to be ‘in control’. Explain your first reaction to each of these characters. Iago is paid to help Roderigo win Desdemona’s hand in marriage, and both of them seem angry and unkind. The main difference is that Iago appears to be in charge and the mastermind behind everything while Roderigo is his puppet who carries the plan out. 4.Explain why Iago says he needs to get revenge on Othello. Do you think he is justified? Why is the need for revenge so powerful, and for that matter, such a popular topic of modern music/movies? Iago wants to get revenge on Othello because he gave the lieutenant position to Michael Cassio, a less experienced man. He has a right to be upset, but he shouldn’t get revenge on Othello. Revenge (in books and movies) is often motivation the antagonist and a main element on why characters do what they do. 5.How does Iago act when Desdemona’s father appears at the window? Why does it take so long for Brabantio to figure out what is going on? Why doesn’t Iago just tell him what happened straight out? Iago acts very mysterious and hides in the darkness to conceal his identity. It takes Brabantio a while to figure out what is going on because Iago isn’t clear about it. Iago wants to agitate Brabantio before he tells him about Desdemona so he will be angrier. Scene ii 1.How does Iago lie at the beginning of this scene? Iago went to Othello and acted loyal and nice towards him. 2.Is Othello afraid of Brabantio? Should he be?   Othello is not afraid of Brabantio and doesn’t have to be because he believes that his good qualities and his status in society will protect him. 3.What do you learn about Othello’s background from this scene? How do you learn that information? Othello grew up in many battles, was a slave, and had a very difficult life. We find this out when Othello talks about how he and Desdemona fell in love. 4.Why has the Duke called for Othello? How can you tell that Othello is highly regarded in military circles? The Duke has called for Othello to come to Cyprus for the war. We can tell that Othello is highly regarded in military circles when Cassio said that the senate had sent out 3 search parties to find Othello. 5.Why is Brabantio so against having Othello for a son-in-law? Does he seem to blame his daughter for running off with this man? Would he feel differently if Desi had run off with another man? Brabantio is against having Othello for a son-in-law because of how different he is. He believes that Othello used magic and trickery to get Desdemona to marry him. He probably would feel differently is Desdemona had run off with a different man. Scene iii 1.How does Desdemona respond when Brabantio confronts her? What other approach to the problem could she have taken? Desdemona tells Brabantio that even though she respects him for everything he’s done for her, her loyalty lies with her husband, Othello. She could have told him in private or in the form of a letter. 2.How does the Duke seem to feel about the problem of Desi and Othello? Who do you think he sympathizes with? The Duke feels that Desdemona and Othello love each other, so there is no use in being upset or resentful. He appears to sympathize with Othello. 3.According to Othello, when did Desi and he fall in love? Why do you suppose they kept their love a secret? Does this sort of behavior fit his character as he has been described so far? According to Othello, him and Desdemona fell in love after she heard his war stories at Brabantio’s house. They have kept their love a secret to prevent all the trouble that they are now dealing with. This secretive behavior is different from the rest of his character who appears to be honest and open with his life. 4.Like Othello, Roderigo is in love. Describe the difference between the two lovers. What is it about Roderigo that makes it easy for Iago to manipulate him? Roderigo doesn’t get the women. He is in love, but the feelings aren’t mutual which makes his easier to manipulate. Act 1 Prediction 5. What does Iago plan to convince Othello of at the end of Act I? How do you think he will accomplish this? Iago plans to convince Othello that Cassio is too close to Desdemona. He will probably accomplish this by manipulating people and lying. Act II Scene i 1.Describe the events surounding Othello’s arrival in Cyprrus. Why is Desdemona nervous before he shows up? There was a big storm, which took out the Turks, so there is no war. Desdemona is nervous because Othello is still gone at sea and could have possibly been killed as well. 2.How does Cassio treat Desdemona? Is there anything about this exchange that might help Iago push forward his plan? Cassio is a gentleman towards Desdemona and held her hand. Iago could use this to make it seem like they are too close with one another. 3.What suspicions does Iago have about his own wife? What does this show us about Iago? Iago believes his wife cheated on him with Othello. He doesn’t care about her, and only appears to care because it will bring him personal gain. 4.How can you tell that Cassio is devoted to Othello? Does there seem to be any jealousy or disloyalty there? Cassio turned down going to a party and getting drunk. He respects all of Othello’s decisions and takes responsibility for his own actions. There’s no indication of any jealousy or disloyalty towards Othello. 5.Describe Iago’s feelings towards women and love in general. Iago believes women should just be housewives, and they aren’t worth much. Also, he believes that their physical characteristics are everything. 6.How does Iago manage to convince Roderigo to provoke Cassio to a fight? What is the real reason Iago wants the two to fight? Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio loves Desdemona to provoke a fight. He really wants Roderigo and Cassio to fight so Cassio will lose his job. 7.Why does Iago say of Desdemona â€Å"Now I do love her too†? Desdemona is the perfect pawn in his plan. Scene ii 1.What is the mood of this scene? The mood of scene two is happy and very positive.   2.Why the celebration? How is the celebration going to help Iago? There is a celebration of Desdemona and Othello’s marriage and also because there is no war. The celebration will allow Iago to get Cassio drunk and fight in front of many witnesses. Scene iii 1.Explain how Cassio gets drunk, even though he knows that he can’t hold his liquor. Iago pressures Cassio to drink, even though he knows he shouldn’t. 2.How does Cassio react when Iago starts to discuss Othello and Desi’s sex life? Cassio avoids saying anything crude. All of his comments are respectful, and he doesn’t say anything bad. 3.What do Cassio and Roderigo argue about? How is the governor of Cyprus involved? Roderigo tries to tell Cassio how to do his job and tries to teach him some manners. This agitates Cassio, and when they fight, the governor of Cyprus gets stabbed when he tried to hold Cassio down. 4.What advice does Iago offer to Cassio after he is demoted? How might this advice, which Cassio takes, play right into Iago’s plan? Iago tells Cassio to talk to Desdemona about convincing Othello to give him his position back. This play right into Iago’s plan because he wants Cassio and Desdemona to get close so Othello can walk in on them. 5.Explain how Iago’s plan seems to be progressing †¦ what other events could happen that would play right into Iago’s plan? Any other drama with Cassio regarding his reputation would help with the plan. Also, if Desdemona were to do anything and keep it from Othello, Iago could use that against her. Act III Scene i 1.What is the setting of this scene? What is the mood? Scene I begins in an entryway in the castle. The mood is serious, although the clown attempts to provide comic relief. 2.How does Iago get Dedemona and Cassio together? Iago uses Emilia to get Desdemona and Cassio together. Cassio talks to Emilia first, who is Desdemona’s lady in waiting so he can talk to Desdemona privately. 3.What is ironic about Iago’s comment to Cassio that he will â€Å"devise a means to draw the Moo/out of the way, that your converse and business/ May be more free†? Iago has already formed the plan to manipulate Othello except that he and the audience knows that it won’t work out in the way Cassio intended. 4.How does Cassio know that Desdemona has already spoken to Othello in his behalf? What do you think he arranges to meet Desdemona, then? Emilia tells Cassio that Desdemona is already talking to Othello on his behalf. He seems impatient to get his position back and get back in Othello’s good graces which is probably why he arranges to meet Desdemona. Scene ii 1.How does this scene show you that Othello is a busy man? This scene isolates the characters, and shows that there is other things going on in Othello’s job as he runs errands and has meetings. 2.Why is this a good time for Iago to act? Othello is distracted and stressed out from work. Scene iii 1.Why does Cassio leave Desdemona in such a hurry? Why does Iago point that out to Othello? Cassio leaves Desdemona in a hurry so Othello won’t see him. However, he does notice Cassio, and Iago points out that he appeared to sneak away while looking guilty. 2.Why is Desi so willing to speak up for Cassio? Do you think she goes too far? Cassio was kind to Desdemona, and they were friendly with each other. Also, Cassio talks to Emilia and then Desdemona about his situation. Desdemona agrees to help him, and might have gone too far with Othello by being forceful. She also thinks that she would be helping Othello by reuniting the two friends. 3.When does Othello first begin to doubt Desdemona? Do you think most newly married husbands would be as easy to fool? Othello beings to doubt Desdemona when Iago talks to him about Desdemona and Cassio. Most newly married husbands probably trust their wives but could be easily manipulated in the same way Iago did to Othello. 4.How does Emilia get Desdemona’s handkerchief? Why does she give it to Iago? Do you think Emilia has any suspicions that her husband might be up to no good? Desdemona drops her handkerchief, and Emilia picks it up. She gave it to Iago because he had been asking her to steal for a while. Emilia might have suspected that Iago is up to no good because she asked him if it had a purpose. 5.How does Iago push Othello over the edge in his doubts about Desi’s fidelity? What is the â€Å"clinching† piece of evidence put forth by Iago? What do you think Othello would have done if he discovered that Iago was lying at this point? Iago lies to Othello about Cassio’s actions including a story about Cassio’s dream about Desdemona. The piece of evidence that Iago has is Desdemona’s handkerchief. The handkerchief is so important that Othello finally believes Iago. Othello would probably kill Iago if he figured out that Iago was lying to him. Scene iv 1.How does Emilia respond when Desdemona asks about the handkerchief? What do you suppose she is thinking at this point? Emilia said that she doesn’t know where Desdemona’s handkerchief is. Desdemona is probably worried that this might upset Othello. 2.According to Othello, what is the history behind the handkerchief? Do you think he has revealed this information to Desi before? The handkerchief was given to his mother by a witch and is a symbol of his parents’ love. He probably hasn’t told this to Desdemona before because she questioned the validity of the story. 3.Why is Bianca mad at Cassio? How is her anger like Othello’s? What sort of relationship do Bianca and Cassio have? Bianca is mad at Cassio because she saw the handkerchief that Cassio had and thought it was from a new, secret lover. Othello also believes that the person he loves might be cheating on him. Bianca is Cassio’s mistress. 4.So far, who thinks that the handkerchief is special? Is it really supernatural? Who thinks so? Othello, Iago, and Desdemona think that the handkerchief is special. It is supernatural in the sense that it meant so much and caused trouble in Othello and Desdemona’s relationship. 5.What is Emilia’s opinion of men? How does Desdemona’s opinion differ? Whose side are you on? Emilia believes men are all the same. To her, all men are deceitful, and when they are bored, they throw out their woman and get another. On the other hand, Desdemona believes that there are good men such as Othello and Cassio which I agree with. Act IV Scene i 1.Why does Othello fall unconscious? Othello falls unconscious because he is so angry and upset about Cassio and Desdemona. 2.According to Iago, why is Othello luckier than many other men who have been cuckolded? Do you agree with his reasoning? Would you rather not know if someone had betrayed you? According to Iago, every married man has been cheated on, but Othello is lucky that most because he isn’t in the dark about his wife like most men are. I would want to know if somebody betrayed me. 3.What is Cassio saying to Iago, as Othello stands hidden? What does Othello think he is saying? How is this all part of Iago’s plan? Why do you suppose Othello doesn’t confront Cassio right then? Cassio is talking and laughing about Bianca, but Othello thinks he is talking about Desdemona. This leads Othello to trust Iago even more and to believe that Cassio isn’t a good person. Othello probably doesn’t confront Cassio right then because he wants to talk to Iago about it first. 4.According to Iago, why should Othello strangle Desdemona rather than poison her? What do you think his real reasons are? Iago tells Othello to strangle Desdemona instead of poisoning her to make it more personal by doing it on the bed where she allegedly cheated on Othello. 5.Why do you think Shakespeare has Othello welcome Lodovico to Cyprus with the phrase â€Å"goats and monkeys!† Does Lodovico realize that Othello is upset? The phrase basically means welcome to chaos which is what everything is turning into. Lodovico doesn’t see that Othello is upset and believes that he normally treats Desdemona like that. Scene ii 1.Why does Othello summon Emilia—if he is not going to accept her testimony? Why do you think Emilia didn’t speak up earlier? Part of Othello wants to not believe Iago, wants his mind to be changed, even if it’s not entirely possible. Emilia knows her role as a woman and as Iago’s wife, which is probably why she hasn’t spoken up until now. 2.How does Desi react when Othello calls her a whore? How does she explain his behavior to herself? Are you surprised she doesn’t act differently? Desdemona is very confused and surprised when Othello calls her a whore. She keeps trying to tell him that she hasn’t done anything wrong. She tries to explain it as being her bad luck that is responsible. I am surprised she doesn’t get angry or doesn’t blame it on anybody but herself. 3.How can you tell Desi trusts Iago? Is she being more naive than most women would be about him backbiting? Desdemona trusts Iago because he tries to comfort her. She is probably reacting in the same way most other women would in the same situation. 4.How does Iago plan Cassio’s murder? How does he convince roderigo that Cassio must die? Why do you think he involves Roderigo instead of handling it himself? Iago tells Roderigo to kill Cassio otherwise Othello and Desdemona will leave, and Roderigo will lose his chance. Iago has Roderigo do it in case it backfires, so he won’t get in any trouble himself. Scene iii 1.Why do you think Desi obeys Othello so meekly when he sends her to bed? Do you think she has any suspicions that he intends to hurt her? Desdemona still loves Othello and sees the good in him, so she is as obedient as before. She understands that Othello is angry, but doesn’t know exactly what is going on, so she doesn’t understand the extent of the situation. 2.Has Desi fallen out of love with Othello? Would you? Desdemona has not fallen out of love with Othello. I wouldn’t be able to love my husband in the same way if the same thing had happened to me. 3.How is the story in the â€Å"Willow song† like Desi’s life? The song and the story behind it are both full of sorrow where the woman knows she is dying after her lover left her. This is foreshadowing what is to come for Desdemona. 4.How does Emilia feel about the double standard that applies to men and women? Does Desi agree with her? Emilia feels that cheating is okay because it is the man’s fault that a woman cheats. Desdemona doesn’t agree with her. 5.What does Desi mean when she says, in the closing lines of the scene, â€Å"Good night, Good night. God me such uses send/Not to pick bad from bad, but by bad mend!† Do you agree with that philosophy? She wants to learn by example and not be like them. The philosophy of learning from mistakes that have already been made is good. Act IV Prediction 6. What could possible happen now to make Othello see the error of his ways? Othello and Desdemona could talk to each other, or even Othello and Cassio, and Othello could realize that he is being lied to by Iago. Act V Scene i 1.How is Roderigo killed? Roderigo is first injured by Cassio, but is actually killed by Iago. 2.Why does Othello think that Iago has carried out his promise to kill Cassio? What do you think Othello would have done if he had realized that Cassio was merely wounded? Othello hears Cassio screaming and thinks that Iago carried out his promise to kill Cassio. Othello would probably get angry and kill Cassio himself if he realized that Cassio was merely wounded. 3.How can you tell that Lodovico and Cassio—like most others in the play—think that Iago is honest and courageous? Lodovico and Cassio believe that Iago is honest and courageous because he appears to be coming to the rescue of Cassio and kills Roderigo, the assailant. 4.How does Iago cast suspicion on Bianco for Cassio’s injuries? Why, do you suppose? What do you think Cassio’s reaction to this is? Iago tries to blame Bianca for the entire thing because she had dinner with Cassio. He is just trying to pin things on another inno cent person. Cassio will probably be very angry when he hears about that. 5.How does Emilia react to all this violence? Emilia still sides with Iago and remains faithful to him. Scene ii 1.How can you tell that Othello still loves Desdemona and does not wholly want to kill her—moments before he does? Is there any way that Desdemona could have prevented him from killing her? Do you think she resigned herself to die, in the end? He is very sad and wants Desdemona to die honest and have a short death. Also, he hesitates before killing her, but feels like she has to die. His mind could not be changed, so there was little Desdemona could do to prevent her death at this point. She accepts that she is going to die, and just tries to bargain for more time. 2.Why has Emilia come? Why do you think Desdemona doesn’t tell her the truth before she dies? Emilia has come to tell Othello about the outside battle and misinforms him that Cassio killed Roderigo. Desdemona doesn’t tell her the truth before she dies because she still loves Othello and remains faithful to him. 3.When does Emilia realize that her husband is behind all this? How does she react? Does she feel guilty for her own part in it? When Othello reveals that Iago told him that Desdemona was unfaithful, Emilia realizes that her husband is behind all this. She rats Iago out, and she definitely feels guilt for her own part in it. 4.Why does Iago kill his wife? Do you think he has any regrets about that? Why didn’t anyone stop him? Iago kills his wife because she betrayed him. He appears to stab her cold-blooded. Everybody was probably too surprised and overwhelmed to stop him. 5.How does Othello die? Why does he want to die? Why wasn’t he disarmed? If he hadn’t died, what do you think would have happened to him? Othello kills himself. He wants to die because he realizes what has happened. He wasn’t disarmed because the other people didn’t really know what to do. If he hadn’t died, he probably would have been kicked out of his position and thrown into jail. 6.What will happen to Iago now? How do you think he feels about being caught? What scenarios do you think would have made this ending more satisfying? Iago will probably be jailed and maybe even tortured. He knew that his plan would either work or fail. He chooses to remain quiet about his plan. The ending would probably have been more satisfying and resolved if he had died.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eriksons Life Stages Essay Example

Eriksons Life Stages Essay Example Eriksons Life Stages Essay Eriksons Life Stages Essay Throughout this course I have become familiar with psychological concepts and theories that occur during all stages of life. Even though I have not lived long enough to discuss many of the topics, I have just made it through adolescence. Because I do not remember many of my younger infancy and early childhood I feel that it would be best to discuss my adolescence while it is fresh in my mind. Turning eighteen is a big step in one’s life and there are many changes that take place during this time, in this paper I will analyze these stages in my life. Going through identity crisis during high school, identity achievement, moral reasoning, and social relationships are all concepts that I can relate to during my adolescent years. In the text Erikson states that the central crisis of adolescence is that of identity versus role confusion [Bruce, 2004], which every high school student can relate to when they enter this new stage of their life. Through my years of high school I was interested in many different activities with many different groups of friends. I had my friends in softball, in cheerleading, in choir, and in band. Because I was involved with many different groups of friends I was pulled in different directions. I was no longer a child anymore but a teenager and therefore becoming a â€Å"new person,† obtaining a new identity. Confusion about all the role choices that are thrown at you leads to identity crisis, which is a period in which an adolescent is confused about the lack of identity [Erikson, 1968]. I myself went through this more than once throughout my years of high school. Each year you lose friends and you make new friends, you lose interest in one activity or sport and become interested in another I went through a different identity crisis each year while all of these events occurred to me. All throughout high school I feel like I did not truly know who I was. It was when I had to start thinking about growing up and moving past high school to the â€Å"real world† did I truly have a sense of who I was, who I would become. I then reached identity achievement which is when an identity status has been achieved after going through the crisis [Erikson, 1968]. I reached this stage when I realized where I wanted to go to college and what my occupation would be. I felt like I was growing up and now had a purpose in life. Erikson and Marcia stated that the process of identity development could happen at different points in a teenager’s life. [Marcia, 1980] Throughout my life I have usually hung out with people that are older than me and therefore I reached identity achievement at a sooner time than other people my age. I layout all my plans for the future such as where I will finish school, what my occupation will be, that I want to get married, how many kids I want, and much more; while other kids my age are only worried about the right now. Because I had all these plans for my future and knew exactly where I was headed in life did I feel that I reached the stage of identity achievement sooner than many other adolescents my age. Also throughout my adolescent years I â€Å"tested† my parents to see what I could get away with. In Kohlberg’s stages of moral development in the preconventional stage of punishment and obedience orientation it states that the teenager decides what is right or wrong on the basis of what is punished. [Crain, 1985] Every teenager wants to have more freedom, a later curfew, and for their parents to just get off their back. In wanting these things teenagers will test their parents as I did in my teen years. For example, if my mom would tell me to be home at midnight I would be a little late the first time and if I got away with that then the next time I would be even later. I would continue this until I got in trouble for being late which then in turn I knew how far I could go before being punished each time. In the text from the textbook it is suggested that the bond between a teenager and a parent fades during adolescence but will soon return. This statement is true in my experiences with my parents. When I went through the stage of wanting to be on my own and I am grown up so I can make my own decisions is when the conflicts between me and my parents began. During this time I was not as close with my parents like I had been in the past and in a way it was saddening but I was a selfish teenager and did not care. Even though I still live with my parents they treat me more as an adult now like I wanted years ago, when in fact I was not an adult then. Now that I am older and more mature realizing that I love my parents more than anything and there is a happy medium while living at home and having my own freedoms without the conflicts. Now me and my parents relationship I feel is better than ever because I have become more mature and fell into my new role or identity in life. During adolescent years your friends are the most important and there is that one who you call your best friend that knows absolutely everything about you. Throughout high school you make new friends and lose old ones but no matter what happens I feel that each and every friendship is very important in a teen’s life. It is said that with girls they prefer to hang out with other girls who obtain the same relationship status. This may be true but the main reason why friendships end is because of boys but in the adolescent years if the friendship is stable enough this will not be a factor. I can relate to this on many different occasions where boys could have been the end of a great friendship but because of the maturity of our friendship it only made it that much stronger. While in high school you tend to hand out with a certain clique or group of people. My best friend to this day was someone who shared the same interests as me in high school and as we grew and moved into early adulthood we still shared the same values in life, remaining the best of friends. Now we move on to the topic of romantic relationships. Through the adolescent years teens go through relationships that fail but in turn help them development and learn from the mistakes they make. Many romantic relationships in fact do start from heterosexual friendships as opposed to just sexual relations. Throughout my adolescent years I always dated people who had started out as friends but then the thing you had to worry about was ruining the great friendship that you had between the two of you but because of the mature person I was becoming in my teen years I realized that it didn’t always ruin the friendship just because you dated. Even though the end of each relationship may be hard it is a great part of the adolescent development of teens. In conclusion, now have I not only become familiar to but can relate to many of the concepts and theories discussed throughout the course. I have been through and am able to analyze identity crisis, identity achievement, moral reasoning, and social relationships as discussed in the paragraphs above. Now entering early adulthood I can continue to apply the theories learned in this course to my life and see just exactly how my life compares to the text and research. Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity Youth and Crisis. New York: Norton. Enhancing the Spiritual Development of Adolescent Girls (2004) Retrieved November 26th, 2008, from: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0KOC/is_5_7/ai_n6121239/pg_1? tag=art Body;col1 W. C. Crain. (1985). Theories of Development. Prentice-Hall. pp. 118-136. Marcia, J. (1980). Identity in adolescence. In J. Adelson (Ed. ), Handbook of adolescent psychology (pp. 159-187). New York: Wiley.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Hair

Response to Hair I think Marcia Aldrich’s essay â€Å"Hair† is an interesting interpretation of the different personalities she encounters in her life. She bases her story around her mother’s obsession with her hairstyle. She makes sure to point out that her mother’s weekly appointment to get her hair done is a ritual. I think this is a good representation of the life her mother leads. Maybe since she got married she feels like she doesn’t have control over much anymore and has taken a more submissive position as â€Å"wife.† Therefore she feels that she needs to control the things she can have control over. That’s why she religiously does her own hair and also feels the need to control Marcia’s hair. The oldest sister seems like she is very laid back. She makes the statement, â€Å"it’s immature to never stop thinking about your hair.† I think this is a good indication that her sister feels comfortable with herself and doesn’t worry about looks or needing to have control in her life. It’s ironic because she makes this statement towards her mother. Perhaps this shows the change in women’s attitudes and roles over time. The middle sister shows a less secure side than that of her older sister. She is constantly changing her look. Maybe this is because she was the middle child and she feels like it will help her get more attention and standout from the other two. Marcia is the one who seems to stick out the most of all the women. She never really takes a stand on how she feels about hairstyles. Therefore it is interesting to see how she reacts to the different positions her sisters and mother take on the issue. It isn’t until the end when she meets Rhonda that you see her start to realize that hair doesn’t make the person. You will always be the same person no matter what your hairstyle looks like and I think this is a good point to end the essay with.... Free Essays on Hair Free Essays on Hair Response to Hair I think Marcia Aldrich’s essay â€Å"Hair† is an interesting interpretation of the different personalities she encounters in her life. She bases her story around her mother’s obsession with her hairstyle. She makes sure to point out that her mother’s weekly appointment to get her hair done is a ritual. I think this is a good representation of the life her mother leads. Maybe since she got married she feels like she doesn’t have control over much anymore and has taken a more submissive position as â€Å"wife.† Therefore she feels that she needs to control the things she can have control over. That’s why she religiously does her own hair and also feels the need to control Marcia’s hair. The oldest sister seems like she is very laid back. She makes the statement, â€Å"it’s immature to never stop thinking about your hair.† I think this is a good indication that her sister feels comfortable with herself and doesn’t worry about looks or needing to have control in her life. It’s ironic because she makes this statement towards her mother. Perhaps this shows the change in women’s attitudes and roles over time. The middle sister shows a less secure side than that of her older sister. She is constantly changing her look. Maybe this is because she was the middle child and she feels like it will help her get more attention and standout from the other two. Marcia is the one who seems to stick out the most of all the women. She never really takes a stand on how she feels about hairstyles. Therefore it is interesting to see how she reacts to the different positions her sisters and mother take on the issue. It isn’t until the end when she meets Rhonda that you see her start to realize that hair doesn’t make the person. You will always be the same person no matter what your hairstyle looks like and I think this is a good point to end the essay with....

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essay on Overpopulated Cities

Essay on Overpopulated Cities Essay on Overpopulated Cities This is an example essay on Overpopulated Cities: Many countries throughout the world have the problem of overpopulated cities but none more than those countries that are still developing themselves. This problematic nature of increasing overpopulation in the cities of developing countries is the biggest global problem needing to be addressed in the 21st century, and will continually need to be addressed in to the future, as overpopulation is increasing at an alarming rate. One country suffering such problems is Bangladesh and its hugely overpopulated capital city of Dhaka. Many different factors affect this city from education, water quality, health care, the cycle of poverty and many more, while this is a struggling developing country it can be compared to a very developed country such as Japan which is developed and extremely stable in comparison. Throughout Dhaka the lack of educational services is extremely apparent and the need for new schools, university and other tertiary institutions is more than obvious. This educational problem has become so large that Dhaka is and could quite easily get trapped in the â€Å"cycle of poverty† meaning that their lack of educational facilities means that they cannot produce enough qualified people to do all the jobs a developing country requires. With only about 20 per cent of people able to read and write, and there is only two universities in the whole of Bangladesh, and even when they can get into schools â€Å"about 40 percent of those enrolling in primary school drop out before completing primary education† (General Information, 2001 [Online]). For a developing country such as Bangladesh they need more schools and universities so as they can study technology, find suitable places for mines or other resource stocks. This cycle is nearly impossible to break since if they have very few teachers and schools then it will take a long time to get more teachers even if they were able to put in more teaching facilities. This cruel cycle is heavily fueled by the fact that they are an overpopulated and developing country, for instance if this was Japan, a country with the same population (around 126,000,000) schools and universities could be supplied by the government or privately owned financiers. Famines, drought and poor water quality in cities like Dhaka in developing countries force many of the inhabitants living out in the country farming or what not to move into the city to seek aid. Bangladesh is highly â€Å"Disaster prone and is a victim of repeated natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, droughts and earthquakes† (General Information, [Online]). It is these horrific natural climatic conditions that make it hard for farming and so on but also forces a lot of people into the cities. Around, 48 per cent of rural and 44 per cent of the urban population live below the poverty line defined as 2122-calorie intake per person. Average households spend 59 per cent of their income on food, yet 60 per cent of children below 5 years of age are malnourished. Resources required to bring about improvements in standards of living are limited. (Md. Mujibur Rahman and Hasin Jahan 1997, [Online]) These statistics show how a developing country cannot take the strain of an overpopulated city. And would almost have to look globally for help. As food isn’t the only problem many also are in need of good quality water facilities, More than 90 per cent of the rural people have access to safe drinking water and only 18 per cent use proper sanitation facilities. 47 per cent of the total urban population has access to public water supplies and 42 per cent to hygienic sanitation. (Md. Mujibur Rahman and Hasin Jahan 1997, [Online]) So as urbanization becomes and even bigger factor to life in an overpopulated city in a developing country so to is the problems of water quality, famine and natural disasters/weather, Japan also suffers from these terrible natural disasters (earthquakes) but they manage to survive since they import so much food but there strong economy – compared with Bangladesh can sustain this. Many countries all over the world have overpopulated cities, many in developed countries and even more in developing countries but the key difference is how overpopulated cities like Dhaka in Bangladesh struggle since the country has not yet been able to set up the adequate facilities to sustain such a high population (127,567,002 people). This is when water sanitation and food supply all mentioned above become a real threat to a cities health With Dhaka suffering â€Å"Between 35 and 50 of every 100 newborns suffer from low-birth weight†¦ 70 percent of mothers are afflicted by nutritional deficiency and anaemia. Another perennial health challenge is the long-term effects of naturally occurring arsenic in ground water† (General Information, 2001 [Online]). The city and country is so busy putting money out of its budget into feeding the people and trying to keep some kind of decent standard of living that all the things required for a developing country are neglected. Such as advances in technology, putting in place a good government system and many more. This is why a developing country finds it extremely hard to sustain an overpopulated city. In comparison however a developed country like Japan can support a large population, since everything required is in place; especially government. This overpopulation then becomes a matter on the global scale since, The effects of urbanization on the environment and water resources are evident. When the number of inhabitants in a certain area gets too big the environments own power of regeneration decreases and the problems will occur. Wastes will accumulate to air, soil and water. The level of living decreases dues to pollution, traffic, noise, inadequate housing and lack of own space. The consumption of the hinterland’s goods will increase above the production and food has to be transported from far away.(Summary and Conclusion, 2001 [Online]). This high consumption of resources by an overpopulated city puts high undue strain on a developing country. In turn this also becomes a global problem, since the world can only have so much farming land and so many crops growing at any one time, and if a city requires the importation of food from outside sources this then puts a strain on the global food market, and Bangladesh finds it so hard to sustain good farm land due to the problem of natural disasters. With all global resources being put under pressure. This global problem does require the address of the world’s attention since the strain of world resources is a global problem. As years pass the worlds population is only going to get larger and thus the strain on world resources is going to continue to rise, and the problem of overpopulated cities in developing countries has to be addressed. Perhaps a possible solution could be found in trying to limit the population as was done in Japan with the one child policy. Since when you compare the two countries (Japan and Bangladesh) it is clear that they are two countries of equal size yet of far different economic states. When you compare the two, Japan with a very slow birthrate (around .9) and Bangladesh with hardly any contraception available and a high birthrate of around 1.5. When a health condom survey was done in 2000 it was found that, â€Å"condoms are unpopular in†¦Muslim Bangladesh† (Condoms unpopular in overpopulated Bangladesh, 2000 [Online]). In relation to GNP and so fourth, as seen in tables in Appendix A, Japan has a far better economy and GNP 38,160 (US$) per capita, whereas Banglad esh only have a GNP of 270 (US$) per capita. Bangladesh do keep a decent health system however with some rather unusual strategies put in place, like working over the internet to pick up cheap medical to keep all hospitals fully equipped, at least to there best potential. They even have special services done by the government that allows women in Bangladesh to purchase loans which in turns allows them to set up there very own businesses, this however small does slowly help to breaking the cycle of poverty. Although Bangladesh does implement these unusual methods they have a lot to strive for before being as stable as Japan. With the country of Japan able to keep its birthrate so low, (below 1) this enables that they will not get too overpopulated as they already are, but the fact that they have realized this and implemented measures to contradict a population boom just shows how developed they are. Bangladesh needs to be able to implement some way of educating the men and women of Dhaka and surrounding cities of how overpopulation is a vicious circle and is in fact a global problem, with Bangladesh’s projected population at 80 million by the year 2020. Clearly the growing population of cities in developing countries is going to be a continual problem until some sort of global â€Å"law† can be introduced to help the countries battling malnourishment, education problems and sever lacks of technological advance. It is this problematic nature of increasing overpopulation in the cities of developing countries that is the biggest global problem needing to be addressed in the 21st century, and into the future, as overpopulation is increasing at an alarming rate. ______________ is a professional essay writing service which can provide high school, college and university students with 100% original custom written essays, research papers, term papers, dissertations, courseworks, homeworks, book reviews, book reports, lab reports, projects, presentations and other assignments of top quality. More than 700 professional Ph.D. and Master’s academic writers. Feel free to order a custom written essay on Overpopulation from our professional essay writing service.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marx and Habermas Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marx and Habermas - Research Paper Example A belief or theory may produce successful predictions, as in the case of Newtonian mechanics, and yet not be true; that is, rationally justifiable in the long run. Indeed, Thomas Kuhn's study of scientific revolutions, which Habermas cites, indicates that the most basic propositions of a scientific theory are worked out in advance of evidential confirmationThis happens in conversations between scientists about what counts as a pressing problem, how such a problem ought to be conceptualized, and so forth. Such propositions are irreducible to empirical predictions. For it is only when they are taken in combination with one another that they yield testable hypotheses. Consequently, their truth would have to be captured in terms of an ideal consensus. Thus, true propositions are those which anyone would agree to in the long run, given sufficient time for rational reflection. (Deborah 2004) The fact that scientific truth presupposes the existence of a communicative community leads Haberma s to consider the categorical framework in which intersubjective meaning, value and validity are constituted. It is obvious how predictive science is related to the context of instrumental action. (Allen, 2009) It is also obvious that the anthropological usefulness and transcendental validity of science resides in its successful satisfaction of a technical interest. However, it is unclear what, if any, interest is satisfied by communication. Equally unclear is the relationship between communication and those sciences of man associated with history, literature, cultural anthropology, etc. Nevertheless, Habermas will argue that the kind of textual interpretation preferred by these sciences is essentially related to communication. The latter, in turn, will be shown to satisfy a practical interest in procuring intersubjective agreement, regarding shared norms and values. This is a necessary condition, not only for the creation and maintenance of personal and social identity, but also fo r the achievement of individual freedom. Peirce provided the necessary link connecting the logic of causal explanation to Marx's notion of labor as an activity underlying self-realization and world constitution. (Moore and Robin, 1964) Dilthey provides a similar link connecting communication and symbolic understanding to Hegel's master-slave dialectic. This dialectic shows how one's identity is defined and confirmed through recognition by other. For Dilthey, this dialectic is as essential to the methodological grounding of history, philology, and literary criticism-sciences concerned with understanding the spiritual life of humankind—as causal explanation is to the methodological grounding of the natural sciences. The method of understanding grounding the human sciences is none other than the circular interpretation of textual wholes in terms of their parts, and the interpretation of these parts in terms of more inclusive wholes. This circular dialectic also encompasses the i nterpreter. The interpreter is responsible for much of the meaning contained in the text. At the same time, the text is responsible for opening up new meaning for the interpreter. Stated somewhat paradoxically, text and interpreter mutually constitute one another as meaningful identities. This activity of symbolic reproduction, Habermas will argue, is capable of advancing moral knowledge. Yet, it can do so only to the extent that the dialectic between text and interpreter assumes the form of a simulated dialogue. (Habermas, 1872) According to Dilthey, the understanding of the past, or the interpretation of an ancient text, is an elaboration of the sort of retrospective self interpretation that an individual continually engages in, while reconstituting the continuity of his or her life history--the very substance of one's unique identity. (Hodges. 1944) To begin with, the generation and maintenance of a stable, personal identity involves assigning one's

Friday, October 18, 2019

Experiment 9 formal report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Experiment 9 formal - Lab Report Example Methodology also involves description of procedures like recording of paired values and subsequent calculation of proportionality constants, means and standard deviations. Results section provided tabulated information together with corresponding graphs for the three experiments. This report also contains a discussion section revolving around findings made in the preceding section. Discussion proves whether the hypothetical claim made earlier is true or false. Finally, a conclusion summarizes main concepts of the experiments. Irrespective of their constituent atoms, all gases obey certain relations with environmental parameters of pressure, temperature and volume. Unique relation of gases to these parameters constitutes the three gas laws. This means that gases have similar physical properties, be it CO2, NO2 or H2O (g). While describing behavior of gases in relation to the three physical parameters acknowledged earlier, a forth variable, specifically the number of molecules, is used. The three gas laws explain behavior of gases when two physical parameters are paired. Technically, behavior of gases in relation to any of the three parameters is independent of each other (Myers, 19). In this case, a gas’ behavior with changing temperature can be measured by keeping the pairing variable, either pressure or volume constant. Practically, gases may show slight variation of variable quantities from theoretically expected values. This explains the concept of ideal gas law, a law that combines relationshi p of all the four essential variables of pressure, temperature, volume and the number of moles. Ideal gas law is written as PV = nRT where n = number of moles, P = pressure, T = temperature, V = volume and R = gas constant with a uniform value of 0.0821 L-atm/mole-K. As acknowledged earlier, relationship between two variables can be determined since behavior of each variable in independent of the other variables. In the experiment, the forth

The Automotive Industry in the United States Essay

The Automotive Industry in the United States - Essay Example Most of the Japanese, Korean and India companies have assemblies in the U.S. such as Chrysler-Toyota, Hyundai Mercedes among others. Moreover, more companies are coming to set up manufacturing plants due to the highly demanding market in the country. The latest company to come to the U.S. is Volkswagen in 2011 (The Automotive Industry in the United States). The automotive industry has different sectors that define the success of the industry. The industry has an engine plant that solely manufactures engine for the companies. In addition, the companies have separately and jointly owned research and development department that researchers on the effective way of producing vehicles at cheap costs and for a better environment. In addition, the industry I characterized by design and testing autonomous departments. The automotive industry contributes approximately 4% to the country GDP. In addition, the industry directly employs 786,000 as of the end of 2012 (The Automotive Industry in the United States). Moreover, the automotive industry employs a high percentage of an indirect employee through distribution, suppliers and other service sectors. In 2012, the industry supplied vehicles and other parts for $225 billion to other countries of the world (The Automotive Industry in the United States). In total, the automotive industry is estimated to provide 3.62 million employment in the country as of 2012. For this reason, the automotive industry is viewed as the best manufacturing sector compared to other industries. The industry faces the problem of polluting the environment as most of the vehicles are made to use petroleum. The industry, therefore, faces a tough time researching for efficient vehicles that are made to use efficient energy.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Technology and Educational Instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Technology and Educational Instruction - Essay Example Computers are tools that can be used to accomplish a myriad of tasks and achieve any one of a number of goals. They can be used to promote higher order thinking skills or to play mindless games. However, research tends to indicate that technology is not being used appropriately in today’s classrooms (Kleiman, 2000; Glennan & Melmed, 1995). One way that this tool can be used is as a catalyst for change. Researchers have found that when a classroom is immersed in technology, many things begin to change in the classroom. Teacher/student relationships change as teachers get away from the role of instructor and begin to come alongside the student as facilitator or coach. This is a result of a change in the way that teachers teach, moving from traditional instruction with lecture, drill-and-practice, and rote memorization of facts toward a constructivist model which promotes active student learning through inquiry, problem solving, and collaboration with peers and adults. However, these are not the only changes technology can bring to the classroom. Technology integration, done correctly, can lead to success for everyone (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1995). In 1996, President Clinton and Vice-President Gore introduced the purpose for technology integration in the Technology Literacy Challenge. The reason for technology in the classroom is not to provide state of the art equipment for its own sake. Instead, the role of technology is to increase student achievement by using this tool (Wenglinsky, 1998). Many states have invested millions of dollars into technology. ... Teacher/student relationships change as teachers get away from the role of instructor and begin to come alongside the student as facilitator or coach. This is a result of a change in the way that teachers teach, moving from traditional instruction with lecture, drill-and-practice, and rote memorization of facts toward a constructivist model which promotes active student learning through inquiry, problem solving, and collaboration with peers and adults. However, these are not the only changes technology can bring to the classroom. Technology integration, done correctly, can lead to success for everyone (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1995). In 1996, President Clinton and Vice-President Gore introduced the purpose for technology integration in the Technology Literacy Challenge. The reason for technology in the classroom is not to provide state of the art equipment for its own sake. Instead, the role of technology is to increase student achievement by using this tool (Wenglinsky, 1998). Many states have invested millions of dollars into technology. In 1996, Pennsylvania launched a three-year program named Link to Learn, a project costing $ 109 million (Yakel & Lamberski, 2000). The goal, according to Governor Tom Ridge, was to "keep Pennsylvania educationally and econmomiclaly competitive in a world that increasingly relies on technology," (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1998). More specifically, the commonwealth wanted toassist schools in getting technology, to change education so that it extended beyond the walls of the schools, to give teachers resources and abilities to integrate technology in their classrooms, to enable schools and libraries to become technology

Evolution of Purchasing in Supply Chain Research Paper

Evolution of Purchasing in Supply Chain - Research Paper Example This technique gave many business organizations the motive to venture into diverse money-oriented activities that aim at simplifying arbitrage, reducing agency cost, improving the price-to-value relationship, leveraging the money spent in an organization and implementing contracts that homogenize terms and condition across the company or organization. As a result of strategic sourcing, customers could get their products at the right time, at right quantity, at the right quality, at the right price, in the right place from the right supplier. Although strategic sourcing provided almost everything that an organization requires for quick and higher profit gain, other values were not obtained, and supplier relationship management (SRM) become the succeeding evolution in purchasing. This concept involved the supplier and the customer establishing an interpersonal relationship with middle persons. The companies would then use the relationship or any organization involved to maximize their benefit from that interaction. It requires careful collaboration with the primary suppliers to realize and uncover new benefits while reducing all the risk involved in the operation. With all these concept being embraced in business strategies, the current activities is being supplied with integrated innovation and business intelligence capabilities that aim at addressing the changing continues customer demands. In conclusion, purchasing in the supply chain has evolved even more to a greater level.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Technology and Educational Instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Technology and Educational Instruction - Essay Example Computers are tools that can be used to accomplish a myriad of tasks and achieve any one of a number of goals. They can be used to promote higher order thinking skills or to play mindless games. However, research tends to indicate that technology is not being used appropriately in today’s classrooms (Kleiman, 2000; Glennan & Melmed, 1995). One way that this tool can be used is as a catalyst for change. Researchers have found that when a classroom is immersed in technology, many things begin to change in the classroom. Teacher/student relationships change as teachers get away from the role of instructor and begin to come alongside the student as facilitator or coach. This is a result of a change in the way that teachers teach, moving from traditional instruction with lecture, drill-and-practice, and rote memorization of facts toward a constructivist model which promotes active student learning through inquiry, problem solving, and collaboration with peers and adults. However, these are not the only changes technology can bring to the classroom. Technology integration, done correctly, can lead to success for everyone (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1995). In 1996, President Clinton and Vice-President Gore introduced the purpose for technology integration in the Technology Literacy Challenge. The reason for technology in the classroom is not to provide state of the art equipment for its own sake. Instead, the role of technology is to increase student achievement by using this tool (Wenglinsky, 1998). Many states have invested millions of dollars into technology. ... Teacher/student relationships change as teachers get away from the role of instructor and begin to come alongside the student as facilitator or coach. This is a result of a change in the way that teachers teach, moving from traditional instruction with lecture, drill-and-practice, and rote memorization of facts toward a constructivist model which promotes active student learning through inquiry, problem solving, and collaboration with peers and adults. However, these are not the only changes technology can bring to the classroom. Technology integration, done correctly, can lead to success for everyone (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1995). In 1996, President Clinton and Vice-President Gore introduced the purpose for technology integration in the Technology Literacy Challenge. The reason for technology in the classroom is not to provide state of the art equipment for its own sake. Instead, the role of technology is to increase student achievement by using this tool (Wenglinsky, 1998). Many states have invested millions of dollars into technology. In 1996, Pennsylvania launched a three-year program named Link to Learn, a project costing $ 109 million (Yakel & Lamberski, 2000). The goal, according to Governor Tom Ridge, was to "keep Pennsylvania educationally and econmomiclaly competitive in a world that increasingly relies on technology," (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1998). More specifically, the commonwealth wanted toassist schools in getting technology, to change education so that it extended beyond the walls of the schools, to give teachers resources and abilities to integrate technology in their classrooms, to enable schools and libraries to become technology

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

New Venture Creation Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

New Venture Creation Project - Essay Example This is because it influences the manner in which they interact with their peers, and the manner in which they conduct their business operations. For instance, the current century is shaped by the emergence of the social media. People look for friends and associations in sights such as facebook, web2.0, and twitter (Pakroo and Marcia, 20). A large percentage of people access these sights by using the computers. Business men on the other hand peruse through the internet in search of information concerning their business activities (Murthy, 23). Murthy (25) further denotes that business organizations cannot achieve their objectives without using computers. Basing on this background, there is a ready market for computer products. On this note, it is advisable to invest in this sector, and to do this, an entrepreneur must have a business plan. A plan will help in raising funds for the business enterprise, and therefore set directions for the business. For instance, this plan identifies t he computer services and products my business intends to offer, and the location of the business establishment. It identifies the scope of the business operations, and the managerial personnel. It also identifies the marketing strategies of the business establishment, its growth plan, and the expected sales revenues. It also identifies the capital required and whether there is a need for an investor. Products and Services offered: The computer products for sale are all computers hardware and software. This includes hardware components such as central processing units (CPUs), tfts, monitors, and a computer key board. The business also sells products such as Kaspersky’s; an anti-virus. The business concerns itself with the repair of broken computer parts, and the designing of websites for companies, and individual people. A central processing unit is a computer hardware whose main function is to carry the instructions of a computer program through logical and arithmetic operati ons of a computer system (Murthy, 34). It is a core requirement for a computer system to be complete. On this note there, these hardware’s will form a majority of the computer products that my organization will sell. Other products are the TFTS, the monitors, and the computer keyboards. My organization can also assemble these parts for purposes of producing a complete computer system. But this service will only depend on the requirements of the customer. Computer systems are also under attack from viruses, and other computer malwares. On this basis therefore, a computer system needs to have software’s that protects it from such kind of attacks. Basing on this need, my organization will seek to sell anti-virus and anti-malwares software such as Kaspersky. Kaspersky is effective in protecting computer systems from malware and virus attack (Murthy, 27). Basing on this notion, Kaspersky’s is a much sought after computer software, and it will prove to be profitable i f we trade in it. The business establishment will also have a repair unit, composed of highly trained individuals on all manner computer maintenance and repairs (Perryer, 28). I believe this service is essential considering the nature of our business. For example, a customer might buy a product from us, and it becomes defective. The proper way is to repair the product, instead of returning back his or her cash. The business will also concern itself with the designing of websites, for individuals and corporate organizations. In the current

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bancassurance Financial Project Essay Example for Free

Bancassurance Financial Project Essay ABSTRACT The business world and specifically financial industry has become challenging and of uncertain business environment in terms of new technology, political dynamics, government policies and advanced human resources. This therefore calls for dynamic leadership that needs to be creative and innovative in creating their competitive strategies. To mitigate these challenges, some firms’ managements have designed management strategies to sustain growth, acquire new businesses or merely mitigate risk facing the business. This proposal considers strategic alliances in financial industry commonly referred to as bancassurance as a business strategy adopted by commercial banks, SACCOs and insurance companies as one of the pursuit of their diverse organizational objectives and challenges. The purpose of this research was to establish if financial organizations such as banks, SACCOs, and insurance companies can mitigate some of management problems such as high loan default leading to high credit risks, switching of customers due to dissatisfaction, declining profits, resistance to buy new insurance products hence minimum market growth among others. To achieve the mentioned objectives, the study used structured questionnaires and personal interviews on a randomly sampled target of 48 participants from banks, SACCOs, and insurance staff within Nyeri County to investigate the effect of this strategy on performance in the current turbulent financial markets. The data was collected and analyzed using content analysis, descriptive measures and correlation analysis. The study found out that, Bancassurance model was a good source of revenues, customer acquisition, and retention and as one of the factors that investors consider before taking the risk of investing in commercial industry. The study also revealed that Bancassurance has very minimal influence on determining the success and speed of compensating business losses, death of insured applicants among others regardless of the existence of the strategic alliances. The study will be of significance to law makers, policy makers, business entrepreneurs, scholars among others.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Impact Of Packaging Characteristics On Consumer Buying Marketing Essay

The Impact Of Packaging Characteristics On Consumer Buying Marketing Essay The role of packaging has changed over the years since primarily due to the changing lifestyles and needs of the consumers. Consumers in daily life are exposed to a very wide range of products having different packaging ranging from different product categories displayed in markets, supermarkets and any other place of shopping. Products can then be differentiated from the external packaging having different shapes, sizes, colors, labeling, etc. what is actually inside the package can only be judged through a creative and innovative packaging. Packaging is also a tool of marketing communication and plays a vital role in consumer brand preference. The topic under research will study the impact of packaging elements on consumer buying behavior of Pakistan. For this purpose seven packaging elements have been selected; packaging color, background image, font style, packaging material, design, innovation and printed information. The type of research is descriptive and quantitative approach has been used by designing questionnaires. The sample size is 200. The impact of package and its characteristics on consumers purchase decision can be revealed by analyzing an importance of its separate characteristics for consumers choice. This research into packaging has found that different packaging cues impact how a product is perceived. Moreover, there is a positive thinking and a trend about well-designed package shows high product quality. As a matter of fact, people are becoming more and more demanding; packaging has been gradually shown its important role in a way to serving consumers by providing information and delivering functions. INTRODUCTION Nowadays consumers have become more and more conscious about the packaging available to them from products. The role of packaging has changed over the years since primarily due to the changing lifestyles and needs of the consumers. Companies have started bring innovations in packaging since their beliefs over the years have changed that good and unique packaging can stimulate consumer buying behaviors. It has become the source of customers attraction towards products or services, increases the image of the brand and increases the perceptions of the consumer for the product (Rundh 2005). In marketing context packaging plays a very vital role in communicating the product to the consumers and ultimately increases consumers purchase decisions. According to Underwood, Klein Burke, (2001); Silayoi Speece, (2004) a good package communicates unique values about products, and also helps in differentiating the products from other products, hence helping the consumers in choosing the right pr oduct from a wide range of similar products, and as a result stimulates consumers buying behaviors (Wells, FarleyArmstrong,2007). Consumers in daily life are exposed to a very wide range of products having different packaging ranging from different product categories displayed in markets, supermarkets and any other place of shopping. Products can then be differentiated from the external packaging having different shapes, sizes, colors, labeling, etc. what is actually inside the package can only be judged through a creative and innovative packaging. Package becomes an ultimate selling proposition stimulating impulsive buying behaviour, increasing market share and reducing promotional costs. Thus package performs an important role in marketing communications and could be treated as one of the most important factors influencing consumers purchase decision. In this context, seeking to maximize the effectiveness of package in a buying place, the researches of package, its elements and their impact on consumers buying behaviour became a relevant issue. OVERVIEW Literature analysis on question under investigation has shown that there is no agreement on classification of package elements as well as on research methods of package impact on consumers purchase decision. Some of researchers try to investigate all possible elements of package and their impact on consumers purchase decision (Silayoi Speece, 2004; Silayoi Speece, 2007; Butkeviciene, Stravinskiene Rutelione, 2008), while others concentrates on separate elements of package and their impact on consumer buying behaviour (e.g., Vila Ampuero, 2007; Madden, Hewett Roth, 2000; Underwood et al., 2001; Bloch, 1995). Moreover some researchers investigate impact of package and its elements on consumers overall purchase decision (e.g., Underwood et al., 2001), while others on every stage of consumers decision making process (e.g., Butkeviciene et al., 2008). Particularly for fast moving consumer goods, such as food products, the packaging is one of the key product components that can provide a commercial advantage over competing products .Hence, the packaging is of significant commercial importance for the economical sustainability and growth of businesses. There is little value in arguing the need for less packaging while economic growth is predominantly driven by diversification of markets and subsequent product variations. Key challenges for future business growth and developments are: the ability to meet supply chain and market requirements in terms of distribution, efficiency, marketing power, consumer safety and convenience and environmental. Packaging attracts the consumers concentration to buy particular brand and increase brand image and influence towards consumers (Rundh, 2005). Packaging characteristics creates uniqueness in brand (Silayoi Speece, 2004). Packaging characteristics gives the ability to differentiate between the similar products and induces the clients for purchase (Wells, Farley, Armstrong, 2007). Packaging is also a tool of marketing communication and plays a vital role in consumer brand preference. The prime role of packaging is to give security to the brand against any possible damage may it be during transporting, storing or even warehousing (Gonzalez, Thorhsbury, Twede, 2007). Packaging characteristics is also a protection of keeping the brands secure by not being smudged by the consumers or either the cusumers being contaminated if in-contact with the packaging (Grundvag Ostli, 2009). Packaging characteristics also shows the quality judgments which largely influence the consumer in brand preference. Consumer frequently assumes that if packaging characteristics are viable it shows that brand is of high quality and helps in decision making of consumer. a) WHAT IS PACKAGING? The definitions of packaging vary and range from being simple and functionally focused to more extensive, holistic interpretations. Packaging can be defined quite simply as an extrinsic element of the product (Olson and Jacoby (1972)) an attribute that is related to the product but does not form part of the physical product itself. Packaging is the container for a product encompassing the physical appearance of the container and including the design, color, shape, labeling and materials used (Arens,1996). b) FUNCTIONS OF PACKAGING C:UsersFamilyDesktopgreener-packaging.jpg C:UsersFamilyDesktopimagesCAQGXAJQ.jpg Packaging and package labeling have several functions: Physical Protection Protection of the objects enclosed in the package from shock, vibration, compression, temperature, etc. Barrier Protection A barrier from oxygen, water vapor, dust, etc. Containment or Agglomeration Small objects are typically grouped together in one package for transport and handling efficiency. Alternatively, bulk Commodities (such as salt) can be divided into packages that are a more suitable Size for individual households Information transmission Information on how to use, transport, recycle, or Dispose of the package or product is often contained on the package or label Convenience features which add convenience in distribution, handling, display, Sale, opening, reclosing, use, and re-use. Marketing The packaging and labels can be used by marketers to encourage Potential buyers to purchase the product. Packaging may be looked at as several different types. For example a transport package or distribution package can be the shipping container used to ship, store, and handle the product or inner packages. Some identify a consumer package as one which is directed toward a consumer or household. Packaging may be discussed in relation to the type of product being packaged: medical device packaging, bulk chemical packaging, over-the-counter drug packaging, retail food packaging, military material packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, etc. c) ELEMENTS OF PACKAGING There are many different schemes for classification of elements of package in scientific literature. According to Smith Taylor (2004), there are six variables that must be taken into consideration by producer and designers when creating efficient package: form, size, colour, graphics, material and flavour. Similarly, Kotler (2003) distinguishes six elements that according to him must be evaluated when emploing packaging decisions: size, form, material, colour, text and brand. Vila Ampuero (2007) similar to Underwood (2003) distinguished two blocks of package elements: graphic elements (colour, typography, shapes used, and images) and structural elements (form, size of the containers, and materials. Rettie Brewer (2000) stressed out the importance of proper positioning of elements of package, dividing the elements into two groups: verbal (for example, brand slogans) and visual (visual apeal, picture, etc.) elements. In the similar way package elements were classified by Butkeviciene, Stravinskiene Rutelione (2008). Analysing consumers decision making process they distinguish between non-verbal elements of package (colour, form, size, imageries, graphics, materials and smell) and verbal elements of package (product name, brand, producer/ country, information, special offers, instruction of usage). Their classification includes brand as a verbal component, whereas Keller (2003), for example, considers packaging as one of the five elements of the brand, together with name, logo, graphic symbol, personality, and the slogans. Silayoi Speece (2004; 2007) divide package into two categories of elements: visual elements (graphics, colour, shape, and size) and informational elements (information provided and technology). According to Silayoi Speece (2004) visual elements are related with affective aspect of consumers decision making process, while informational elements are related with cognitive one. Summarising, two main blocks of packages elements could be identified: visual and verbal elements. Relying on literature analysed graphic, colour, size, form, and material are considered as visual elements, while product information, producer, country-of-origin and brand are considered as verbal ones. Packaging characteristics also shows the quality judgments which largely influence the consumer in brand preference. Consumer frequently assumes that if packaging characteristics are viable it shows that brand is of high quality and helps in decision making of consumer. LITERATURE REVIEW Numerous studies have investigated this question whether packaging elements has an impact on consumer buying behavior. Consumer intensions for buying and acquiring anything depend upon the extent of his desires to fulfill his needs. Consumers expect that the product they are purchasing will satisfy their needs and fulfill their expectations (Kupiec and Revell, 2001). Sometimes the consumers do not know what they actually want to satisfy their need, in such situation the consumers are confronted with variety of products and the decision to purchase depends upon what is being exposed and communicated to the consumers at the point-of purchase. Kupiec asserts that the packaging of a product is a significant aspect in consumer decision making process as it is the first encounter of the product which communicates the consumers whether they should buy the product (or not). It could be maintained that the package may be the only communication between a product and the final consumer in the store (Gonzalez et al., 2007, p.63). Kotler defines packaging as all the activities of designing and producing the container for a product. Well-designed packages can build brand equity and drive sales (Kotler, 2000). Moreover, he claimed that although the original purpose of packaging was to protect the product but now it is being considered as a powerful tool to grab the attention of consumers, depict the features of that product and make a sale (Kotler 1998). According to Arun Kumar packaging can be defined as the wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, identify, describe, protect, display, promote, and otherwise make the product marketable and keep it clean (Arun 2007). He emphasized that packaging of a product could be considered as one of the most significant tool in communicating the essence of marketing a product, requiring more focus on the elements of packaging and analyzing the impact of those characteristics on consumer buying behavior. Rita Kuvykaite (2009) has done descriptive research on the relationship of packaging elements and consumer purchase decision. Rita observed that in nowadays competitive environment the role of package has changed due to increasing self-service and changing consumers lifestyle. Firms interest in package as a tool of sales promotion is growing increasingly. Package becomes an ultimate selling proposition stimulating impulsive buying behaviour, increasing market share and reducing promotional costs (Rita 2009). According to Rundh (2007) package attracts consumers attention to particular brand, enhances its image, and influences consumers perceptions about product. Also package imparts unique value to products (Underwood, Klein Burke, 2001; Silayoi Speece, 2004), works as a tool for differentiation, i.e. helps consumers to choose the product from wide range of similar products, stimulates customers buying behavior (Wells, Farley Armstrong,2007). Thus package performs an important role in marketing communications and could be treated as one of the most important factors influencing consumers purchase of package, its elements and their impact on consumers buying behavior became a relevant issue. According to Charles, packaging have always served a practical function i.e. they hold contents together and protect goods as the move through the distribution channel to consumers. Today, however, packaging is also a container for promoting the product and making it easier and safer to use (Charles Pinyay Silayoi and Mark Speece have done a conjoint study among consumers for analysing the importance of packaging and the role of packaging as a vehicle for communication and building up brands. They suggest that the package standing out on the shelf affects the consumer decision process, and package design must insure that consumer response is favorable. The problem is made more complex by several conflicting trends in consumer decision-making (P. Silayoi, M. Speece, 2004). Holbrook and Moore contend that a consumer gets easily attracted by more complex and novel external characteristic packaging and visual graphic designs. Moreover, this leads consumers to a positive buying emotion and leads them to buy this attractive product (Holbrook and Moore, 1982). Ampeuro and Vila have done extensive research on consumer perception of product packaging. According to them, once consumers have perceived the product in their own way, they develop an attitude which will eventually affect consumers decision to procure that product ( Ampuero O, Vila, N. 2006) Wells Armstrong conclude from their research that packaging characteristics gives the ability to differentiate between the similar products and induces the clients for purchase (Wells, Farley, Armstrong, 2007). Kotler (2003) distinguishes six elements that according to him must be evaluated when employing packaging decisions: size, form, material, colour, text and brand. Mitul Deliya in his research highlights consumer attitude towards packaging of FMCG products. He affirmed that packaging has a huge role to play in the positioning of products. Package design shapes Consumers perceptions. Wansink (1996) showed that larger package sizes do accelerate usage volume when attention is drawn to unit prices. Folkes and Matta (2004) find that unusually shaped containers that attract attention are perceived to contain more product than containers that do not attract attention. Silavoi and Speece investigated the question that the packages overall features can underline the uniqueness and originality of the product. Quality judgments are largely influenced by product characteristics reflected by packaging, and these play a role in the formation of brand preferences. If the package communicates high quality, consumers frequently assume that the product is of high quality. If the package symbolizes low quality, consumers transfer this low quality perception to the product itself (Underwood et al., 2001; Silayoi and Speece, 2004). According to Tanuka Ghoshal, convenience and innovation and such characteristics in package design influence consumer attitude towards buying products. Manufacturers of food and other consumer packaged products spend large sums of money developing easy-to-open packages that are more convenient for quick meals or for easy dispensing, and visually appealing packages which appear to communicate more than mere information about the product inside Apart from the realm of consumer packaged goods, in which the packaging is visible at the time of purchase (and hence may play a role in the purchase decision process), we also see significant and creative innovations in packaging for situations in which the packaging is not visible before or at the time of purchase. The effect of color is the most obvious and well studied (Imran, 1999). Consumer perceptions of an acceptable color are associated with perceptions of other quality attributes, such as flavor and nutrition, and also with satisfaction levels. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION THEOREOTICAL FRAMEWORK PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION The abundance of scientific literature on this issue do not provide unanimous answer concerning impact of package elements on consumers buying behavior: diversity of the results in this area depends not only on research models constructed and methods employed, but on the context of the research too. All above mentioned confirms the necessity to investigate this issue in more detail. In the light of these problematic aspects, research problem could be formulated as following question: What is the impact of packaging characteristics on consumer purchase decision? PROBLEM SATEMENT The purpose of this research study is to investigate the impact of packaging characteristics on consumer buying behavior. Thus the problem statement for this research study is given as under: To find out the impact of packaging characteristics on consumer buying behavior RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The research was conducted to achieve the following research objectives: To investigate the role of packaging in Consumer Buying Behavior To determine the impact of packaging characteristics on consumer buying behavior To identify the most important characteristic of packaging that help to built brand equity To find out consumer perceptions about packaging SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY The topic under research will study the impact of packaging elements on consumer buying behavior of Pakistan. For this purpose seven packaging elements have been selected; packaging color, background image, font style, packaging material, design, innovation and printed information. According to Cruden (1989), over the years the, introduction of new packaging concepts have accelerated. This study will be of value in a number of ways. The topic of research is highly under researched and least research has been done regarding the impact of packaging elements on consumer buying behavior of Pakistan. This study will not only help the marketers in bringing innovations and creativeness into the packaging of products but will also provide the policy makers in implementing effective decisions in bringing changes and creative strategies in packaging. This study will contribute immensely through Quantitative research. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK Theoretical frame-work focuses on the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The distinction between dependent and independent variables is as important in a comparative study as in a regression analysis. Dependent variable in case of a comparative study is the one which we aim to predict and independent variables here are the ones who are used to predict the dependent variable. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Packaging color Background Image Packaging Material Font Style Design of wrapper Printed Information Innovation DEPENDANT VARIABLE Consumer Buying Behavior THEOREOTICAL FRAMEWORK Independent variable Packaging color Background image Packaging materialDependant variable Dependant variable Consumer Buying Behavior Font style Design of wrapper Printed Information Innovation Packaging color Color plays an important role in a potential customers decision making process, certain colors set different moods and can help to draw attention. One good example of successful use of color psychology is in the Apple iPod advertisements; they use simple tri tone color schemes of black, white and a bright background color. The bright background color is to give the advertisement a fun feel and the contrasting white on black is to focus attention. C:UsersFamilyDesktopimagesCACPIYHU.jpg Packaging Material Any material used especially to protect something- packing, wadding. Consumer can change its decision regarding Packaging material. High quality Packaging attract consumer then low quality Packaging. The first packages used the natural materials available at the time: Baskets of reeds, wineskins (Bota bags), wooden boxes, pottery vases, ceramic amphorae, wooden barrels, woven bags, etc. Processed materials were used to form packages as they were developed: for example, early glass and bronze vessels. The study of old packages is an important aspect of archaeology. Iron and tin plated steel were used to make cans in the early 19th century. Paperboard cartons and corrugated fiberboard boxes were first introduced in the late 19th century. Packaging advancements in the early 20th century included Bakelite closures on bottles, transparent cellophane over wraps and panels on cartons, increased processing efficiency and improved food safety. As additional materials such as aluminum and seve ral types of plastic were developed, they were incorporated into packages to improve performance and functionality. So packaging material have strong have with buying behavior. C:UsersFamilyDesktopghfgdhg.png Font Style The font style of Packaging grabs customer attraction. The up gradation of IT technology have support this feature. The successful companies have best practices of the font styles. They hire specialist in composing which create mind blowing and attractive font styles. The attractive package has innovative font style. So we can say that there is relation between font style and buying behavior Design of wrapper The overall design also plays a vital role in attracting the consumer. Mostly the children of 10-18 years are so sensitive to the design of wrapper. The companies try their best to create attractive design of packaging C:UsersFamilyDesktop69897540hg8.jpg Printed Information Container or wrapper of the product is serves a number of purposes like protection and description of the contents, theft deterrence, and product promotion. The labels on packages are important components of the overall marketing mix and can support advertising claims, establish brand identity, enhance name recognition, and optimize shelf space allocations. The consumer can change his decision on the basis of information printed on the packaging. Mostly in Merchandises and daily FMCG the consumer can perform evaluation on the basis of printed information. C:UsersFamilyDesktopf.jpg C:UsersFamilyDesktopyudj.png Innovation Innovative packaging may actually add value to the product if it meets a consumer need such as portion control, recyclability, tamper-proofing, child-proofing, easy-open, easy-store, easy-carry, and non breakability. Manufacturers today strive to have packaging that maintains the key equities of the brand, has stand out appeal on the retailers shelf, and is sustainable but with lower production costs. The customer can adopt product on the basis of its innovative packaging, which shows the relation between buying behavior and innovation of packaging C:UsersFamilyDesktopgreener-packaging.jpg C:UsersFamilyDesktopgh.png RESEARCH APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY TYPE OF RESEARCH The type of research conducted is descriptive research after taking into account the research problem, aim of paper and the requirements for information needed. Type of investigation is correlated because the variables already exist. RESEARCH DESIGN Quantitative research approach is implied in this study. For this purpose a self administered questionnaire was designed. Customer survey was conducted by sending questionnaires to randomly selected customers for collection of data for statistical analysis. The questionnaire covered the basic content to facilitate achieving goal of the study at its best. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT Questionnaires were used as an instrument for data collection and the data is collected in two ways: Personal survey in university and shopping malls and meet male and female respondents and by meeting to household women. By emailing the questionnaire to the respondents, they filled the questionnaire and then emailed back. The instrument is in the form of closed ended questionnaire. Answers were recorded in the Likert five point scales. Packaging Characteristics is measured as: Highly Important Important Neither Important nor Unimportant Unimportant Highly Unimportant DATA COLLECTION METHODS PRIMARY DATA The main tools used in this research for collecting primary data include questionnaires which were filled general public. SECONDARY DATA The main tools used for collecting secondary data for this research include published articles, journals and other sources available on the Internet. SAMPLE DESIGN SAMPLING UNIT For the purpose of data collection the site selected for this study includes general consumers from which the data has been gathered. The general public include both males and females; students and working people with different classes. The age distribution which is used for this research was in five ages slabs: 20 years or less 21 years to 25 years 26 years to 30 years 31 years to 40 years SAMPLING METHOD The sampling technique used in this study was convenience sampling method. SAMPLE SIZE The sample size taken in this research is n=200 i.e. total numbers of respondents was 200; both males and females with different classes. SAMPLING PROCEDURE The method of sampling was random sampling. ANALYSIS PROCEDURE After setting the sample size, site, the tool for data collection, various analyses were done using statistical data analysis package SPSS 14.0. BUDGET TIME SCHEDULE RESEARCH STAGES TIME COST Research proposal approval 1 week __ Secondary data approval 3 days __ Questionnaire development 1 week __ Questionnaire pretesting approval 2 weeks Rs.500 Questionnaire printing 1 day Rs. 700 Questionnaire filling 2 weeks __ Data processing and analysis 4 days __ Final report compilation 5 days Rs.700 Final report printing binding 3 days Rs. 1200 LIMITATIONS A few limitations narrowed the scope of this research: Sample size was large so it took me time to get the questionnaires filled. The  respondents  personal  bias  may  be  another  factor, which is uncontrollable Many respondents did not actively participate in the research. Respondents did not read the questions carefully. Experimental method of research could not be used due to budgetary and time constraints. DATA ANALYSIS AND HYPOTHESIS TESTING Q1) Packaging influences me to buy a particular product or brand? PURPOSE: The purpose of this question is to find how many people filling out this questionnaire are influenced by packaging of a product or brand Response Format: It is a Grid type question No. of respondents to answer this question: 200 No. of responses generated: 200 QUESTION1 NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Does packaging influence you to buy a particular product or brand? STRONGLY DISAGREE 14 7.0 DISAGREE 26 13.0 NEUTRAL 19 9.5 AGREE 117 58.5 STRONGLY AGREE 24 12.0 TOTAL 200 100.0 CONCLUSIONS: 12% of the respondents strongly agree to this point 58.5% of the respondents agree to this point 9.5% of the respondents are neutral 13% of the respondents disagree. 7% of the respondents strongly disagree HYPOTHESIS TEST OF QUESTION 1 Ho: à Ã¢â€š ¬ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥70% (70% or more respondents are influenced by packaging of a product or brand) H1: à Ã¢â€š ¬ DATA: n = 200 x = 70.5 à Ã‚  = x/n = 70.5/200 = 0.3525 Confidence interval=95% Level of significance  Ã‚ ¡ = 5% or 0.05 Tabulated Results: Z tabulated = Z Ã‚ ¡ = Z 0.05 = -1.64 (-Z in Left tailed test) Test Statistics: Critical Region: CR = Where,  Ã‚ ³p  Ã‚ ³p  Ã‚ ³p =  Ã‚ ³p = 3.24 And, Putting the above values in the formula: CR = CR = Z calculated = = 0.54 Zcal = 0.54 Conclusion: As CR = 0.54> -1.64 That means Z calculated > Ztabulated,  Ã…“we accept the claim that 70% or more o